Represent a brand Ham

by | Apr 20, 2017 | Katy's advice


Cati Gómez represents producers and suppliers of IbéricoHam, serrano ham or Prosciutto at fairs, demonstrations, open days and events. Slicing the Ham like Cortadora Professional Professional Ham Slicer , the female version of a cortador, and also explain the product and brand to visitors and consumers.

As an independent ham slicing professional, I am loyal to the organization, flexible, responsible, customer-oriented and have persuasive skills.

Cati Gómez has worked with the following clients: Consorcio de Jabugo; Van der Zee ate Hanos; Gastro Import C&E in Sweden; Di Gennaro in Cologne – Germany; Lindner in Hamburg.

Consumer advice

Cati Gómez is an independent, Spanish trained Cortadora profesional. That means to...



Cati guides and advises catering entrepreneurs and private individuals in choosing Spanish hams....