Cortadora Professional

by | May 23, 2017 | No category, Maestra Cortadora

Cati Gómez is a professional Cortadora (Professional Ham Slicer) with the title of Maestra Cortadora (Master Slicer). She is currently the only female professional ham cutter with this title in the Netherlands.

She is independent, works with hams of her own choosing, but also provides presentations on behalf of producers and suppliers of quality hams.

Her independence and knowledge enable her to present each ham objectively.  

As a Cortadora Professional, Cati is available for trade fairs, demonstrations and events.

She shows the various cutting techniques of the ham and provides education to professionals and consumers about the product and its origin.

Cati has good didactic skills, has a sense of responsibility, works customer-oriented, is flexible, has persuasive power and is loyal to the client who stands for quality.

Cati Gómez has worked for the following clients:

Consorcio de Jabugo, Slagerij Van der Zee (Hanos), Gastro Import C&E in Sweden, Di Gennaro in Cologne, Lindner in Hamburg, Señorio de Montanera, Encinares del Sur, Ruliano Prosciutto (Parma, Italia)


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